Rocky worked for over four years perfecting the blend of this cigar, and we are launching it to celebrate his 50th birthday. The tobaccos in the Rocky Patel Fifty have been aged over eight years, and the cigars feature an Ecuadorian wrapper, each hand selected from the unique 7th priming of the tobacco plant. The cigars feature two distinct binders that both enhance, and engage, the flavors of the secret blend of Nicaraguan fillers.

Each limited edition box of Rocky Pate Fifty numbered 1/2000 (by shape), and features over 500 brilliant orange crystals on two custom designed plates.

Tasting notes: Medium to full bodied with full rich complex flavors consisting of white pepper, dark chocolate, espresso with a lingering sweet spice that stimulates the palate.


Robusto:5 1/2 x 50
Toro:6 1/2 x 52
Torpedo:6 1/8 x 52

Wrappers:Habano Oscuro from Ecuador